We are growing the material of the future
Using purely natural materials from renewable sources and a low-energy natural process, we create technology that is applicable in industry.

Together sustainably
Our team is united by an interest in environmental issues, technology and design. We believe that the mass use of mycelium in industry can fundamentally help in the fight against climate change.
We are growing
The origins of the project date back to 2019, when David Šohaj Minařík started the first attempts to grow mycelium at home in the bathroom. A year later, the development of the first production technologies began in his painting studio – already together with materials engineer Jan Ostrezi.
Attempts to produce products from myco material led to the official establishment of the company in January 2021 and the move to a separate 250 m2 premises. The founding team was gradually joined by Vladan Košut and Martin Janča, and the first employees were added to the production.
In July 2022, Myco secured a CZK 14 million investment from Garage Angels and JIC Ventures to develop a continuous substrate preparation line and a semi-automatic product moulding line. At the same time, a further move was made to an 800 m2 production hall in nearby Bzenec.
of the company
Moving to 250 m2 of production space in Kyjov
Getting angel investment from Garage Angels and JIC Ventures
Relocation to a production area of 800 m2 in Bzenec
1st place
E.ON Energy Globe 2022
Medal of Honour
Energy Globe Award 2022
6th place
Huawei Startup of the Year, Special prize Arch Summit, Vodafone Nápad roku 2022
1st place
Generali SME EnterPRIZE 2023 in Startup category
Forbes: Houby jako materiál budoucnosti. Kyjovský startup dovedly do finále světové ekologické soutěže
CzechCrunch: Houbami nahrazují dřevotřísku i polystyren. Do startupu z Kyjova teď investoval i Jiří Hlavenka
Hospodářské noviny: Houby pro klima: úložiště uhlíku i eko obalový materiál
Seznam Zprávy: Startup z Kyjova vyrábí obaly, které samy zmizí za pár dní
Peníze.cz: Budoucnost není na houby. Je v houbách, ukazuje jihomoravský startup
Deník N: Ekologického Oscara letos získal kyjovský start-up Myco
deník.cz: Čtyři ekologičtí mušketýři v akci. Místo z plastů vyrábějí obaly z hub
CzechCrunch: Neděláme naivní ekologii. Podhoubím chceme ve velkém nahrazovat plasty, hlásí moravský startup Myco
Packaging Herald: Houba, nebo plast?
Cyrkl: Podhoubí udržitelné budoucnosti: Houby místo polystyrenu